
基社盟的警察An active shooter is a person or person(s) who appear to be actively engaged in killing 或者试图杀人,通常是在人口稠密的地区. 大多数情况下是活跃的 shooters use firearm(s) and display no pattern or method for selection of their victims. In some cases, active shooters use improvised explosive devices to cause additional victimization and act as an impediment to law enforcement and emergency service responders. These improvised explosive devices may detonate immediately, have delayed detonation 保险丝,或可能在接触时引爆. 主动射击的情况是动态的,不断发展的 rapidly, demanding immediate response by the 社区 and immediate deployment of law enforcement resources to stop the shooting and prevent further harm to the 社区. This document provides guidance to faculty, staff, students, and visitors who may be caught in an active shooter situation, and describes what to expect from responding 执法人员. 请注意,CSU PD系统可能会变得不堪重负.



In general, how you respond to an active shooter will be dictated by the specific 相遇的情况. 如果你发现自己卷入了一个活跃的枪手 情况,尽量保持冷静,打电话给犯罪现场警局 X-2111 尽快.

If an active shooter is outside your building or inside the building you are in, you 应:

  • 尽量保持冷静.
  • Try to warn other faculty, staff, students and visitors to take immediate shelter.
  • 进入一个可以上锁或设置路障的房间.
  • 关灯.
  • 关上百叶窗.
  • 关掉收音机或其他发出声音的设备.
  • Keep yourself out of sight, stay away from windows and take adequate cover/protection, i e.、(混凝土墙、厚书桌、文件柜).
  • 静音手机.
  • 让一个人打电话给X-2111并提供:
    1. 校园里有一名活跃枪手,有人开枪.
    2. If you were able to see the offender(s), give a description of the person’s(s) sex, race clothing, type of weapon(s), location last observed, direction of travel, and 已知身份.
    3. If you observed any victims, give a description of the location and number of victims.
    4. If you observed any suspicious devices (improvised explosive devices), provide the 观察到的位置和描述.
    5. 如果听到爆炸声,请描述爆炸声和爆炸声的位置.
    • Wait patiently until a uniformed police officer, or a university official known to 你,提供了一个“安全警报”.
    • Unfamiliar voices may be an active shooter trying to lure you from safety. 不 respond to voice commands until you can verify with certainty that they are being 由警官或大学官员颁发的.
    • Attempts to rescue people should only be attempted if it can be accomplished without 进一步危及安全区域内的人员.
    • Depending on circumstances, consideration may also be given to exiting ground floor 尽可能安全、安静地打开窗户.

If an active shooter enters your office or classroom, you 应:

  • 尽量保持冷静.
  • 尽量不要做任何会激怒枪手的事情.
  • If there is no possibility of escape or hiding, only as a last resort, when it is imminent that your life is in danger, should you attempt to negotiate with or overpower 攻击者(年代).
  • Call CSU PD X-2111, if possible, and provide the information listed in the first guideline.
  • If the active shooter(s) leaves the area, lock and/or barricade the room or proceed 去一个更安全的地方. If you are outside and encounter an active shooter, you 应:
    1. 尽量保持冷静.
    2. Move away from the active shooter or the sounds of gunshots and/or explosions.
    3. 寻找合适的掩护/保护地点.e.、砖墙、挡土墙 walls, large trees, parked vehicles, or any other object that may stop a bullet penetration.
    4. Try to warn other faculty, staff, students, and visitors to take immediate shelter.
    5. Call CSU PD X-2111 and provide the information listed in the first guideline.



  • Immediately engage or contain the active shooter(s) in order to stop life-threatening 行为.
  • 识别诸如简易爆炸装置之类的威胁.
  • Identify victims to facilitate medical care, interviews, and counseling.
  • 调查.

Police officers responding to an active shooter(s) are trained to proceed immediately to the area in which shots were last heard in order to stop the shooting as quickly 尽可能. The first responding officer(s) may be in teams, they may be dressed in normal patrol uniforms, or they may be wearing external ballistic vests and Kevlar 头盔或其他战术装备. 警察可能配备步枪、猎枪或其他武器 手枪. 完全按照军官的指示去做. 第一批警员会的 be focused on stopping the active shooter and creating a safe environment for medical 需要提供援助来帮助伤员.


The 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址警察 Department Chief or a designee will develop timely warning notices for the University Community to notify members of the 社区 about serious crimes against people that occur on campus, where it is determined that the incident may pose an ongoing threat to members of the CSU 社区. 这些警告 will be distributed if the incident is reported either to CSU PD directly or to the CSU PD indirectly through a campus security authority or the Chicago Police Department. 

Crime Alerts will be posted in all the campus buildings, when deemed necessary. 当 a Crime Alert is posted in campus buildings, it shall be printed on white paper and be posted in the lobby/entrance area of the affected building(s) for seven (7) days. Crime Alerts are filed in the case jacket with the corresponding incident report.

The 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址警察 Department will not issue Crime Alerts if:

The department apprehends the subject(s) and the threat of imminent danger for members 对基社盟的担忧已经减轻了. 如果一份报告不是 filed with the Chicago Police Department or if the CSU PD was not notified of the crime in a manner that would allow the department to post a “timely” warning for the 社区. A general guideline will include a report that is filed more than five days after the date of the alleged incident may not allow CSU PD to post a “timely” 对社会的警告. 这种情况将根据具体情况进行评估 基础.